“Encouraging growth of positive self-identity through knowledge and practice of Māori arts”
Ko tāku toi tāku ohooho — Art, my inheritance

Te Tuhi Mareikura Charitable Trust (TMT) is passionately dedicated to the vision of building stronger Maori identity and communities through Maori culture and arts.
Our Youth Programme taps into the depth of creative talent in the Bay of Plenty region and the wealth of skills our artists can offer to our rangatahi. TMT recognises that Maori arts are important to understanding our place in the world and as people who call Tauranga Moana home.
Our programme is FREE and begins from Monday 2 May 2022 operating Monday - Thursday 9.30am - 3.00pm. Based in Aronui Room at c/o Te Tuhi Mareikura Trust in Art Body Creative Studio at 229A Maunganui Road, Mount Maunganui 3116. During this time our youth will have experienced the personal journeys and hands on art projects with artists and mentors, and will have explored art making all over the rohe.
There are some basic commitments required; attendance at all twenty hours for the 15 weeks duration. However, job or education outcomes are valid reasons to exit the programme earlier. Those chosen for the programme will be well supervised during this period and informed in advance of the content for the week. Our model rests on a high proportion of supervised hours and mentor engagement and a range of interactive practical activities, art making, group work, site visits, environmental engagements, drama and physical activities, music and technology including film, video and tablet drawing programmes.